SP60PRT in Q4 of 2021 in short:
- 3022 contacts (CW/DIGI/SSB: 335/1785/902).
- All HF bands
- 6 continents
- 15 CQZ, 22 ITU, 62 DXCC, 464 grid squares
SP60PRT was active between Oct. 1st and Dec. 31st 2020 and during that period we made 3022 QSOs and worked 2403 different stations in various modes. CW: 335, DIGI: 1785, SSB: 902.
The bands opened by the end of the year and we were able to snatch some contacts not only on the lower bands, but also above 14 Mhz:
10M: 2 | 12M: 5 | 15M: 19 | 17M: 21 | 20M: 105 | 30M: 67 | 40M: 923 | 60M: 20 | 80M: 1810 | 160M: 50
We made contacts on six continents, and to give you some numbers:
AF: 2 | OC: 2 | SA: 5 | NA: 24 | AS: 35 | EU: 2954
That comprises 15 CQ zones, 22 ITU zones, 62 DXCC entities, and 464 grid squares.
The maps below come from adventureradio.de
- Łączności SP60PRT w ujęciu globalnym
- Łączności SP60PRT – Europa
While we were at it, we managed to get a certificate for 20 years of ham radio on the ISS:
195 stations fulfilled the conditions of our event and can download their certificates HERE. All stations from PZK (Polish Radioamateur Union) will get their QSL cards via the Buro. All other contacts will be confirmed on demand (we will appreciate the SASE).
We wish to thank all the stations for joining us in this event and celebrating with us the 60th anniversary of our club. It was nice to work a pile-up (especially for the undersigned, HI) and we already make some plans to come back (this time as SP6PRT) on the bands with some more activities. Hope to hear you on the bands!